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: Identificatori del prodotto : Marca : Philips, : MPN : EP322140, : Gtin : 8710103877516, : Upc : 8710103877516, : Supplier Product ID (ePID) : 23034059423, : Caratteristiche principali del prodotto : Modello : EP3221/40, : Colore : Nero, : Unità di misura : kg, : Dimensioni : Altezza : 3 cm,.
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Nespresso Coffee Machine Zenius Z100 Main Board, PCB. Genuine Brand New. Condition is New. Dispatched with Royal Mail Signed For® 1st Class.
Made of stainless steel material. It can effectively filter impurities. Material: Stainless Steel. A helpful tool for brewing tea.
Facile da usare. Si prega di consentire un leggero errore dovuto alla misurazione manuale. Stile B: 3 filtri da caffè, 1 cucchiaio di plastica, 1 cucc
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Material: stainless steel. Type: tea strainer.
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Recently refurbished. Excellent, clean, fully functional condition.